We Are For Good Podcast - The Podcast for Nonprofits

598. 2025 Social Impact Trends That Matter: Community is the Multiplier. (Floyd Jones)

• We Are For Good

Meet Floyd🤝. He’s a New York City-based speaker, coach and Community Builder. He’s helping us kick off our newest series from We Are For Good Studio: 2025 Social Impact Trends That Matter 🥳 

Our first trend: Community is the multiplier. ✖️

But building a thriving community isn't easy - it takes strategy, consistency, and a whole lot of heart. In this episode, Floyd joins us to share the proven tactics and mindset shifts that will help you turn followers into loyal supporters and donors this year. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • The Power of Community in Nonprofits (2:53) 
  • Success Stories: Community Engagement in Action (6:02)
  • Mindsets Shifts for Effective Community Building (8:59)
  • The Role of Consistency in Engagement (13:08)
  • Sustainable Growth and Avoiding Burnout (17:50)
  • Floyd Jones’s One Good Thing: No one starts as a butterfly, you have to start as a caterpillar. (26:09)

Episode Shownotes: https://www.weareforgood.com/episode/598

Transcript: https://otter.ai/u/Q-WDZlAjm3r0Tw1AlC11CTsWzpY?utm_source=copy_url

Learn more: www.weareforgood.com/episode/598

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Speaker 1:

I always say people are going to come for the thing, but they're going to stay for the people, right? They're going to come for the product, but they're going to stay for the people. They're going to ask themselves do I see myself here for the long haul? Why am I here, right? Why am I a believer in your organization, right? Maybe they're going to see a nice post that you post on social media. Maybe someone's going to invite them to your upcoming event. Maybe they're going to go to your gala. Maybe they're going to see a nice film that's going to stir them, but what's going to make them stay?

Speaker 2:

Welcome to. We Are For Good's. Social Impact Trends that Matter in 2025,. In partnership with our friends at iDonate, we have hundreds of conversations each year, both on the podcast and offline, with incredible change makers around the world. This limited series we're lifting the eight trends that have cut through to us over the past year. These ideas and shifts hold the power to transform your mission from the inside out, and so, in these eight episodes, we're breaking down the trends, one at a time, and inviting a subject matter expert in to take us deeper and to put it into practice. But to get most out of this series, I hope you'll join us for a free 60-minute on-demand workshop. Here you'll get mobilized to put the trends into practice at your organization. We'd love for you to join us. Just head over to weareforgoodcom backslash trends 2025. All right, let's get started.

Speaker 3:

Hey Becky, hey John. The time is here. Welcome everyone. We are launching our 2025 Social Impact Trends. That Matter. I'm so excited, john. This is one of our most favorite things that we do during the year and we are excited to have you here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this series is truly the heartbeat of what we see in conversations and I love that. We're like taking notes throughout the year and saying, man, we want to see more of that, and I think that these conversations all point to change makers that are cutting through in some particular way. They've harnessed some kind of idea that we want to share and we want to spread it.

Speaker 3:

And I hope everybody is buckled up for the guests that we have brought on to go deep into today's trend, which is community is the multiplier.

Speaker 2:

Don't you love that? It's community is the multiplier. It's not a multiplier. It's like the multiplier.

Speaker 3:

You know that we cannot talk about community is the multiplier without bringing in the king of community for good Y'all. Floyd Jones is in the house and if you are new to the we Are For Good podcast or the we Are For Good community, you just need to know that Flojo is totally our phone-a-friend. He is a New York City-based speaker, coach and community builder, and he helps nonprofits and purpose-driven entrepreneurs grow their communities and achieve lasting impact. As founder of Floyd Jones Enterprises and Back Black, an initiative that has helped raised over $2 million for Black-led nonprofits, floyd's providing the strategies to turn followers into loyal supporters and donors, with over $40 million raised for grassroots organizations.

Speaker 3:

Floyd has spoken at 100 plus conferences worldwide on storytelling, partnerships and community building, and has been featured in little known outlets like Casual, espn Variety and sponsored by brands like Nike and Visa. So Floyd is equipping today's leaders with the tools to amplify their impact and drive sustainable growth. He is going to bring you so much energy and joy. Floyd Jones, get into this house for like what? Like the 10th time you've been on the podcast. I don't know what it is, but it might as well be Hi buddy.

Speaker 1:

So you guys have been. We are for good If you aren't on this podcast journey, okay, you have been tracking my growth. I'm like y'all saw me when I just got started. Y'all saw me when I was now I'm flying as a free bird now, so y'all have this Free bird. We are for it's giving. We are for growth.

Speaker 3:

We are for growth. Come on, somebody ABB, always be branding, every time, always be branding.

Speaker 1:

We A-B-B. Always be branding, every time, always be branding. We're going to roll that one out.

Speaker 3:

It's a new track Get ready. That's it. Floyd will sing the soundtrack, because he's an incredible singer, but when we think of community Floyd, your name immediately comes into the viewfinder and we're looking at this sort of community first approach and we know that community is everything, it's the final core value of our company and we want to know why you think it's so critical for nonprofits and really purpose driven entrepreneurs to really seize hold of that community first approach.

Speaker 1:

I always say people are your power. People are your power. We've heard of product-led growth, we've heard of marketing-led growth, but really it's about community-led growth, right? I always say people are going to come for the thing, but they're going to stay for the people. Right, they're going to come for the product, but they're going to stay for the people. They're going to ask themselves do I see myself here for the long haul? Why am I here, right? Why am I a believer in your organization? Right?

Speaker 1:

Maybe they're going to see a nice post that you post on social media. Maybe someone's going to invite them to your upcoming event. Maybe they're going to go to your gala. Maybe they're going to see a nice film that's going to stir them yourself. What's going to make them stay? How are you going to actually bring them into the community for the long haul? That's the question you have to ask yourself. In 2025, I said 2025, your goals are going to come alive. 2025, it's time for you to thrive. But the only way that you're going to do that is if you build for believers. Because what do I always say? Believers lead to breakthrough. That's why community is everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, we believe this, you know. I mean, not only do we bake it into like our, we are for goods journey, but we learned while watching movements come to life, like it was the difference of actually being led by people as opposed to being like a top down kind of approach, like it's all in the grassroots mobilization. I got to ask you, my friend, I mean, take us into a success story where you saw this happen, like when this approach really transformed engagement at our organization, when they leaned into community.

Speaker 1:

One experience. So I was working with I was doing like a group coaching and this organization. They're a bird rescue and shout out to Barbara if you're listening, bird Rescue. And shout out to Barbara if you're listening. But this is a bird rescue rare birds in Alaska, mind you and they are a small team, small staff, and they were talking about social media. And listen if you're in.

Speaker 1:

If you're a grassroots organization, you probably have heard this song about social media doesn't work for us. What's the point? Why are we even going to invest more time in social media? It's not a thing for us. Y'all they went to our webinar Focus on Social Media Growth. I kid you, not put our strategies into place, focusing on hey, I always encourage things like you know.

Speaker 1:

Why don't you do a takeover? Why don't you actually bring people into the rescue? Bring them into the shelter, right? Don't just give a fancy graphic. We love these platforms that have templates and stuff like that, but people want to actually be in it with you. Right, we are in a time and space where we're inundated with content. People want the real thing. They want to know why are you doing this bird rescue? They want to know why you're actually saving these animals the way that you're doing it, child, tell me why.

Speaker 1:

They actually posted behind-the-scenes footage in their shelter and the next day that post went viral and we're talking now. They're like over a million views on Instagram. On Instagram, I'm sitting here like huh when I tell you she messaged your class talking about it works. It really works, like because it does. It does and, as someone who has gone viral multiple times on multiple platforms, it's about we. It's not just about me. It's about we. Do people see themselves in what you are doing? Are you inviting them along for the journey? Are you actually bringing them on into the grander story of what you're trying to do so they can see themselves in your story? Come on somebody. So that's an example that just happened.

Speaker 3:

I love that you brought up a bird example for this. It is taking flight, yes, all of it, but I do think that what you're saying is.

Speaker 3:

It's not just about the way that you connect, it's how you're bringing people into the experience of your mission, the experience of your community.

Speaker 3:

And that's when the multiplication effort really happens, is when somebody can to your point, they can touch it, they can feel it, they can have a heightened level of experience. That's not just something that I can experience when I'm doom scrolling at night on my phone and then the beauty of community activated means they're going to go back and they're going to tell their friends and they're going to bring their friend to the next thing and then they're going to be their friend is going to bring somebody else and you see the ripple that just starts to impact because you are building community with someone, not for someone. So I got to talk about mindsets with this Aunt Floyd, because it's not like you can just wake up the next day and say, okay, I'm just going to follow this checklist, I'm going to do all the things to community build, because there are some practices and shifts that have to happen internally to really take your success as a community builder to the next level.

Speaker 1:

Talk about some of those mindset shifts that you see are really pivotal. Child baby, here we go. Thank you, that is the word, because I was just talking to my friend about this. He is incredible. He runs an organization called ATL Friends. They have like 70,000 followers on Instagram and they're hosting a bunch of events across the Atlantic area.

Speaker 1:

And we were at dinner talking and we were saying people aren't willing to invest the time it takes for the community to actually come to life. So community is really becoming such a buzzword right now. But my question is how are we going to go beyond the buzzword? How are you going to actually put the building blocks in place necessary for that to actually take place? I always say we have to create space for community and transformation to take place. Right, but that takes time. It takes time. You can't just snap your fingers and expect the community to grow. Snap your fingers and expect the membership to pop off. Snap your fingers and expect your donuts to be popping up and bringing other people. It takes time. And are you willing to put the time in so you can get the transformation on the other side? Right?

Speaker 1:

And another thing I'd be asking people inspect what you expect, inspect what you expect. Inspect what you expect, meaning, if you want your members to continue showing up for you, are you showing up for them? Is it only something that you're reaching out to them when you're asking them for some money? Is it only something you're connecting with them when you want them to do something for you? Is it only something that you're posting online when you're asking them to take an action, or are you actually telling a story? Are you inviting them into the process?

Speaker 1:

Right, it takes time. I mean, look at, we Are For Good, although we Are For Great. Now, come on somebody. Come on, okay, right, but how long did it take y'all to get to where you're at today? Right, look at Back Black. We're raising millions of dollars for Black-led organizations, but I remember the and you know what. It's so funny, because the first iteration of Back Black wasn't even Back Black. Right, I started doing a version of this campaign back when I was at Gift Butter and before that, back when I was working for nonprofits, I was mobilizing Black-led nonprofits on my own. We're not new to this. We're true to this, right. So what you see, what you see now, is an iteration of all the different things that we did behind the scenes Right. What you see is what happened behind the scenes, right, and so people don't understand. If you want a community like what we're trying to build and what we have, are you willing to do the work that we're doing, but in your own context?

Speaker 2:

I just got to say I mean so much yes to this, but here's the deal. No shade if you don't.

Speaker 1:

Like no shade if you don't want to create a community.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. That's your choice, but you can't call it a community, and it's actually just like your lead funnel that you don't care about people because it's not a community. So consistency breeds this, though, and that is like the play I wonder if you talk about just what's the role? Consistency and sustaining that engagement really means, Because it is the long game which is one of our values too.

Speaker 1:

What does that clear up for you? I mean, consistency is essential. I'm just dropping all these brands. But my good sis Julie, my good sis producer Julie, was just talking about that. We both go to Orange Theory and right now in Orange Theory there's something called the Transformation Challenge. And in the Transformation Challenge it's like a six to eight week program that you have to go into and you ask yourself at the beginning do you want to lose fat? Do you want to build muscle? But like, yes, that's a top line goal, right. But then underneath that there are so many other different things you have to do. You got to go to a specific amount of classes. You got to actually what's my body fat percentage? You got to actually make a real life plan to get there. And guess what? Y'all?

Speaker 1:

If all I said is, oh yeah, I want to have this goal, I just want to lose this fat, I always say a goal without a plan is just a wish. It's just a wish. And let me tell you, you can wish upon a star. Come on Disney. But if you want to actually see that wish come to fruition, come on somebody. It's going to take work. It's going to take work, right. That's the gap between a wish and the dream actually coming to fruition is the work.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying, and I love, love, love what you said, john. I love what you said about it's okay if that's not your goal. It's okay if you wake up one day and you're like, yeah, I'm actually not trying to do all of that, I'm not trying to be on, I'm not trying to be connecting with people on the highs and the lows. I'm not trying to have other people make events and suggest things to me like that's okay. Be honest, though. You know what I'm saying. Be honest because you don't want people to sign up for something that you can't deliver, and that's where consistency comes in. Consistency is all about proving and showing up over and over and over again and being trustworthy and keeping your promises to your people. Keep your promises to your people, so then they can keep the promises to you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and I got to throw in a little pro tip here, because I feel like you're managing expectations so well on community building that you should not start out community building doing 500, all the things, all the tactics. Start small. Start small with what can be habitual, what can be put into practice over and over that people can come to depend on.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't need to be someone coming out posting in your community, whether you have a physical community, whether you're building it on your socials, wherever it is, please don't overextend yourself, which is going to get me into my next question for you, floyd Well.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say one more thing on that.

Speaker 1:

And that's okay, becky. So many people fall in love with the end product, but I really want you to fall in love with the process. I want you to fall in love with the process, with the pushes, with the pulls, with the ups, with the downs, all of those different things. Right, I'm also a singer, if you couldn't hear me blabbing on. But one thing that we used to say when we were in school when I was in college and we were going with rehearsal, they used to say you love the show, but you need to love rehearsal. And that's how I feel.

Speaker 1:

I actually love rehearsal. I love going back and forth, I love creating a song. I love when I'm working on a talk, when I'm working on a speech. The reason why so many people, in my opinion, resonate with the things that I do when I'm giving a speech is because I actually enjoy writing a speech. I enjoy working on a keynote, I enjoy going back and refining and adding. But if you're not willing to spend the time to get there, that's what's going to frustrate you, because you're not going to get the same outcome every single time, you're not going to get the end product. But you can commit to the process, right? That's all I was going to say, and the process is where the magic is.

Speaker 3:

Y'all. That's where the nuance is, that's where people tell you oh, this was my childhood dog who meant so much to me, why I'm connected to this animal rescue mission.

Speaker 3:

Then you start sharing about some of that, and I think what I want to make sure that you're saying is that the process is going to build upon itself. It's going to deepen relationships the more that you go back, and so I really am loving what you're saying about go with the flow and know that everybody is coming into your community with the exact same center on their heart. They love what your mission is about. So if we can wrap ourselves around that, the end points from there are just whatever you can make it, and so I really love and I liked what you were saying before just about getting in a habitual pace. But something that I worry about when we talk about community building is that there is so much to do.

Speaker 3:

There are so many different ways you can show up, there are so many different ways you could create a sense of belonging, but in this sort of fast-paced world where nonprofit professionals impact enthusiasts. They're spinning all the plates. How do we talk about burnout?

Speaker 1:

as it comes to community building.

Speaker 3:

How do you guide leaders toward this sort of sustainable growth in the community, while all also taking care of themselves, not overextending themselves, not adding community on top to an already full plate for nonprofit professionals?

Speaker 1:

Well, in that especially community shouldn't be added on top, Like if it's just something that you're adding on top, I don't think you're doing it right.

Speaker 1:

Community needs to be embedded within right, like if you're not building with your people in mind, it's already going to set yourself up for failure. Okay, so that's one. The second thing that I would say is pace yourself with everything. I mean this year in particular. I mean, john and Becky are my friends, so you all know all of the different things that I had to traverse and all the different ups and downs, and so this year, I literally started booking my trips in advance, and one thing that I do is I actually color code my calendar so I can see when I have a break coming up. And I was like, hold on, why I got a break every month. And then I was.

Speaker 1:

I started to feel bad. I was like, oh, I'm going on here and not everyone is like me going abroad Right, but like I have a quick weekend trip here or a quick thing that I'm doing here. But now I'm giving myself something to look forward to so I can actually put on the gas pedal when I'm in the midst of things. You know what I'm saying. So, yes, that's actually taking physical rest and going somewhere For me. I also realize that quality time is my love language, so I've built in quality time, right, I'm making sure that I'm spending real time with the people who I love, so I can get my cup filled up again, right? So that's a couple of practical things let's talk about in your work.

Speaker 1:

If you don't put down all 50-11 goals that you have set this year, let me tell you that right now, okay, we're not doing 11 million resolutions, I want revelation in 2025, okay, less resolution, more revelation, meaning what is going to change right and how are we going to sustain that change? It's not going to happen by doing 22,000 things. So now, one of my biggest things that changed when I turned 30, to be perfectly honest was me setting less goals and being okay with it. Like, literally, these past couple of years have been me being like you know, I'm going to set less goals, I'm okay, just handling that one thing and I'm going to do that one thing real well and I'm going to see that one thing real through. But guess what, when I did that and when I leaned into that, now we're getting six-figure grants for my organization. Not just quick little things, we're getting real. Because guess what, when I go to a funder, I said I only want to do this, actually I'm only going to accomplish this one goal. And they're like wow, we want to partner with you on that. That's why I always say alignment determines your assignment.

Speaker 1:

I always talk about donor retention. I'm just going to get real practical right. So many times we said I want to start the monthly recurring giving program, I want to get a major donor. I want to get corporate partnerships, I want to get the grant, I want to get corporate partnerships, I want to get the grant and, yes, I want those things for you too, but how are you doing on it currently? So here's what we're going to do. We're going to do some donor segmentation and I know segmentation ain't sexy and a lot of people will say you cussing at me.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to say we're going to focus on the donors who are actually giving me between XYZ amount and ABC amount. Why? Not because that number is more important than another number, but because the data is telling me I have 60% of my donors are falling in this bucket. So I need to know who are these people. Who are these people and how do we go deeper with these people? How do I cement their commitment to these people? How do I say hey, I noticed a trend. I noticed that you've been giving a specific amount for the last three years.

Speaker 1:

How about we just make it official? Let's start dating, let's make it official. Can you do a monthly giving now? You know what I'm saying, but you're only going to do that when you take time to actually know your people. So pick one thing when are you going deep in your development operation this year? Where are you going deep in your marketing operation this year? Where are you going deep in your program and volunteer recruitment operation this year? Right. And when you go deep, that's where you're going to see deep results, right. That is what community longs for. It longs for a well. We don't want no puddles, no more. What if TLC don't go get some?

Speaker 2:

water puddles.

Speaker 1:

We want depth okay, we want depth this year all right, that's what your community needs. We want depth this year All right, that's what your community needs. It craves depth because that's how you're going to build deep relationships, that's how you're going to get deep commitment and that's how you're going to get deep community and results.

Speaker 2:

Boom. I mean that alignment is everything, because when you have that clarity, the things that are inevitably going to come at you are either going to fit with that or not, and it becomes so much more clear as those things start to come in and as the challenges kind of arise. So I love that I mean.

Speaker 2:

Floyd, you've got pro tips for days. You've built a lot of communities. You come alongside organizations to help them build what are some rapid fire like, what is on your mind that you want to say? Do this in thinking about community building this year as a great multiplier.

Speaker 1:

So the thing that popped into my head was the four seeds of community building. If you know me, you know I love alliteration, you know I love something that can help you remember um.

Speaker 1:

so that's all I I have. But for me, I started thinking about this model when I started thinking about donor um acquisition and bringing donors deeper. With you, right, and a lot of times when we're thinking about um, the traditional model it's's all about getting your donor to give more. We're always thinking about how to get your donor to give more and how do we get them to operate more and just continue, and also the thing is we put the gift on the pedestal. The gift is the highest goal, but I'm like no, I want you to go deeper, and so that's why I thought about the four C's of community building. Are you ready? Come on?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

That's why I thought about the four C's of community building. Are you ready? Come on now. First is catalyst. How are you capturing the attention of the people? If you listened to earlier in this conversation, I've talked about the example of social media. Right, that video going viral, that's a catalyst. Right, that's going to bring people in the door. That's going to say, okay, we want to know what's in store for us now that we're in this journey. Right, you caught my attention. So maybe that's when you're making good media about your organization. Maybe that's when you're making a good short film, that's when you're making your social media assets and whatnot. Right, that's going to be a core component of your catalyst.

Speaker 1:

Two is communicate. So, now that you get them in the door, how are you communicating with them? And I'm not just saying asking them for donation. Right, this is you telling your story. This is you hearing their story. Right, this is you inviting them in. How are you getting them for a longer journey? And this is why moves management is incredibly important, right, and again, it's not just moving them up the ladder to a different donation. It's saying how are we actually building a long-term relationship? I want you to know what important events are in our cycle. I want you to know the important things that are happening, but I also want to know what's happening in your life and me saying happy birthday to you and me knowing what's going on with your company, right, so that's communicate.

Speaker 1:

Three is convert. So now you're giving them the opportunity, right? You're saying, okay, hey, now here's where we want to get involved. One example of this that I love is not just inviting people to a one-size-fits-all thing. Maybe a person is better for the monthly giving Like I talked about. After you've seen them donate over a certain amount of time, you're inviting them to join a monthly giving program. Or maybe one thing that I used to do is I used to plan endurance fundraising opportunities. So I would invite people to say, to go to do the New York City Marathon, right, or whatever city you're in. If there's a marathon, you're inviting them in that way. Or maybe you're inviting them to join your board, right, You've seen them become consistently good, You've seen them be a leader. So you're saying, okay, now you're best here. But the only way that you're going to direct people to the right position is if you know who your people are. Right, you have to know your people to put them in the right position. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

And then the last C is catapult. So we have catalyst share the spark, communicate, share what's going on, convert, share the opportunity. And catapult is share the baton. Share the baton. Now the ball is in their hand. They're saying I'm going to be a leader for your organization. Not only am I going to join your board, but I'm going to now be the board chair. And only a few people are going to get to catapult now, and that's okay. Not everyone's going to be the leader, but in the we Are For Good. Example, who's now running your city meetups? They're coming to you saying we're ready, we want to lead this city meetup. They're saying, okay, we want. When you see people who are so excited that they are now taking the baton on themselves, that they're iterating, they're ideating. They're coming to you with ideas. Maybe you have a good community.

Speaker 3:

That is the masterclass, quickly and succinctly, on how to build community. Thank you for that breakdown, because something really magical happens at the end of that. It's not just the donor life cycle that we're used to seeing when someone makes a gift and we put them in the thank you and we put them back in. No, this is again a multiplier, because when you get somebody that's asking you or giving you ideas or sharing their story, they're at another level.

Speaker 3:

And they're going to bring so many people into the love of your mission, whether that's online, whether that's telling them at the water cooler or maybe in their Sunday school class, wherever people meet. And so that is the long gameplay that we want to get you to. Flojo, you are the master of community. We thank you so much. We got to round this out with a one good thing Bring it home my good friend, one good thing for community.

Speaker 1:

This hit me today when I was making my afternoon tea. No one starts out a butterfly. No one starts off as a butterfly. You got as a caterpillar. That means you're crawling on the ground okay, that means things are hard, things are difficult, you're in the mud, but you start as a caterpillar. Then you get into your cocoon okay, then there's a, the chrysalis and all the things that has to happen. Then you gotta fight out of that cocoon. You gotta actually break out. Go on youtube and actually look what the picture is.

Speaker 1:

You got to fight your way out, meaning, sometimes you're in your mindsets that are keeping you stuck. Sometimes you're in situations that are keeping you stuck. Sometimes you're in pits that are keeping you stuck and you're on people who are keeping you stuck. But, baby, you got to break out of that cocoon. You got to break out of your shell. You got to break out of the things that are keeping you down and you got to say 2025, my goals are coming alive. 2025, I'm going to touch the sky. And then, baby, when you break out that cocoon, then you are a butterfly. And baby, when you're a butterfly, that's when you're going to touch the sky. That's when you get to a new level. That's when you're going to have the beautiful colors. And guess what those colors come from? Experience the things that are on those wings. They the ground first. You wouldn't have those colors if you weren't a caterpillar first. So, baby, that's what my one good thing is today it's okay if you're a caterpillar, because soon you're going to touch the sky.

Speaker 2:

FloydJonesco, go check him out right now. My friend, I just love the way that you love community, you love change makers. You make us all feel like it's possible and get us re-centered to how to take care of ourselves in this work. Always an honor to sit in your presence, my friend. How can people connect with you and what you're up to this year? Point us to all the ways.

Speaker 1:

FloydJonesco is my website, and on all social media, the Floyd Jones. Stay in touch with me. We got so many good things coming. If you're a black-led nonprofit, if you're a changemaker, a nonprofit leader, we got all the things for you. Floydjonesco, and on social media, the Floyd Jones.

Speaker 3:

And not only is the content absolutely fantastic, but you get a friend and an ally in Floyd Jones, so please go connect with Floyd. He is extremely active on LinkedIn, a lot of the social channels. You are amazing, my friend. Thank you for coming in here and multiplying our enthusiasm about the possibilities of community. You make us see what is possible, love you all. Love you back.